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Ii Installer Net

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i-Installeris open sourceunder a BSD License. i-Installer is hosted on
You can get to the i-Installer project home page by following this link.
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i-Installer code is notparticularly good. This is the result ofthe fact that it has been written as a pilot-project-gone-awry incombination with the fact that certain aspects of the environment (MacOS X) played foul with my original architecture ideas (it just did notwork at that time). Mac OS X has improved since, but i-Installer wouldhave to be rewritten to benefit. That is only going to happen if I winthe lottery and do not have to work for al living anymore..

You won't believe it, but thisprogram actually has attracted fan mail(and some hate mail). An edited selection of fan mail can befoundhere

I purchased Diablo 2 LOD from the blizzard shop, it gave me a key, the downloaderdiablo.exe downloaded and i ran it as an administrator, as soon as it started up, the following errors popped up. Script Error: Object doesnt support property method or Keys Script Error: Script Error, URL: (Extremely long URL not gonna post it here) once i got passed them it downloaded the installer files, i. Fax Certificates of Insurance to InstallerNet Member Services at (978)867-6734, or email to Questions or Comments call (800)790-6243, menu choice #3.


Welcome to the i-InstallerHome page. i-Installer is anetwork-aware installer application for Mac OS X 10.2or higher.It installs i-Packageswhich are directories with a nameending on .ii2 and which contain a set of files. An in-depthintroduction (in fact: the i-Installer Help Book) can be found here.

i-Installer isa generic software install and configuration application. It caninstall socalled i-Packages, which are wrappers (directories containingfiles) with names ending on .ii2 and which will look like files in mostapplications (like the Finder). i-Packages can be updated anddownloaded from remote locations. Most of this will happenautomcatically.

i-Packages mayhave the following functionality:

  • Installation (and subsequentConfiguration)
  • (re-)Configuration
  • Uninstallation (removal)

i-Packages may be interactivein a limited way. i-installerprovides the package with access to several predefined sheets that canbe displayed on the package window. That way, especially configurationcan involve the user. (In other words: install TeX and select formats,languages in a GUI, install ghostscript and be offered a choice to addTeX's type1 fonts to an installed ghostscript).

i-Packages exist just likeother wrappers: on your hard disk. Youcan createpackages fromremote URL locations by entering an URL (like in a panel.

However, theeasiest way to create packages on disk from remote locations is using a'Known Packages' menu. This will list a series of packages and theirlocation for you to choose from, called an i-Directory. Thei-Directories may be local files or web based. As of Jan 1, 2007, thecurrent set is (this may change without notice):

These refer to each other in a circular manner . You can influence boththe default i-Directory to use and the amount of descend into te web ofi-Directories in i-Installers preferences. You can travel thei-Directory web in the Known Packages window. There exists a separaterepository for experimental versions of my i-Packages:

Thefollowing packages are availablefrom me (unsupported):

  • TeX-related:
    • TeX(based on a subset of TeX Live). This include installs of TeX4ht, LatinModern fonts (scalable fonts forPostScript/PDF) and XeTeX
    • CM Super (PostScript/PDFvector versions of TeX fonts).This provides support for vector versions of TeX fonts so you can makescalable PDF documents that look good at any resolution, includingscreen resolution. This package is not required. It is roughly 60MB insize. These are deprecated, you should use the Latin Modern fontsinstead.
    • CB Greek(Greek fonts and support)
    • MusixTeX(Support for typesetting music)
    • ConTeXt updater.ConTeXt is a powerful alternative to LaTeX.It is very actively maintained and regularly updated versions or betasare released by its author Hans Hagen of Pragma ADE. My server checksfor updates every night and if there has been a change, automaticallyrebuilds the i-Package from the new materials. Combined withi-Installer's check for updates this provides with a completelyautomatic way to check for ConTeXt updates.
    • Gerd Neugebauer's BibTool.Command line bibliography file(.bib) manipulation.
    • LaTeX to RTFConverter
    • RTF 2 LaTeX2econverter
  • Support for various graphicformats and conversions.
    • Ghostscript 8the free PostScript interpreter. You need this forTeX if you want to use PS-dependent TeX tricks, old projects, etc
    • Autotrace
    • Eddie Kohler's LCDF Typetools(these are also part of the TeXi-Package)
    • ImageMagick(image conversion and manipulation)
    • JPEGTools and Library
    • PNGLibrary
    • TIFFLibrary
    • NetpbmTools and Library
    • libwmfconversion support
    • libiconvconversion support (only required on Mac OS Xversions before 10.3)
    • wvWare(MS Word conversion)
  • Support for fontconversions.
    • Freetype2
    • Fondu(tool for unpacking Mac Fonts)
    • FontForge(formerly PfaEdit)
    • ttf2pt1TrueType to PostScript Type1 font conversion
  • System utilities andlibraries
    • MacBinaryand binhex cliutils
    • i-Installeritself (naturally)
    • Xaw3d Libraryfor X11R6 (3D widgets)
  • Applications
    • GhostviewPostScript viewer (requires an X11-installation)
    • XFigdrawing program (requires an X11-installation)

Some others provide i-Packagesas well. There is a package for theJOVE emacs-like command line editor, provided by Tom Hageman.

Warning: as i-Installerdepends on the web, you may encounter longtime outs when servers are busy. See the performance section ini-Installer Help for more info.

i-Installer offers thepossibility for regular backgound (no needto start i-Installer, no need to be logged in) checking for newreleases of packages you have available.

The i-Installer applicationdownload can be found here: II2.dmg.This will download a disk image. A disk image is a file that containsan image of a disk. Such a file can be used just like a disk can. Youneed to mountthat disk image. Mounting a disk image can bedone by double clicking it in the Finder.

When the disk image has beenmounted, you will have an extra `disk'listed in your Finder window. On it you will find two files, a READMEfile and an APple .pkg. To install i-Installer, installthe .pkg. Once installed, i-Installer can be used to updateitself.

Run i-Installer and (if you areconnected to the internet) selectthe Known Packages submenu. You will be presented with a list of knownpackages. See my TeXpageformore information on the TeX i-Packages and volumes and possible mirrorlocations.

The i-Installer volume is alsomirrored. The following mirrors areavailable:

  • II2.dmg(TUG mirror, FTP).
  • II2.dmg(Yale mirror. HTTP).

Youare hereby granted permission to mirror the i-Installervolume, under the following conditions:

  • The mirror image should notbe older than a day (you need tosynchronize at least once a day)
  • You make clear on yourdistribution site that you are offering acopy of my distribution and you link to this web page

Ii Installer Net Worth

Descargar chrome para windows 7 32 bits. Thereis a mailinglistfor announcements about i-Installer.

i-Installer was designed andwritten by Gerben Wierda. Thebeautiful icons were designed by Jérôme Laurens.

i-Installer Know How

How and where do I report problems?

E-mail about i-Installer canbe sent to ii2at rna dot nl.Note that thisaddress may be protected by an anti SPAM system, in which caseyou'll get a robot-reply to tell you how to reach me.

Please read the top of this page carefully. Bugs may be reportedbut I do not support this software anymore except for my personal use,hence, fixes may or may not come and may take a long time to come. Ifyou report a bug, make sure to include.

  • What you did.
  • Your OS version and whatyou can tell me about what isinstalled.
  • For i-Installer andi-Packages
    • In case of ani-Installer crash: the crash log.
    • In all cases: the logoutput in If theproblem is reproducible, set i-Installer to a higher log level (e.g. 6)and recreate the problem. Send me that output.
    • The contents of areport (see below) *after* the error hasoccurred. In case of a crash, from before the crash occurs.

i-Installer has a menuoption Create& DisplayReport in the i-Packagemenu,which you should use preferably and if possible. This creates a reporton settings, properties, output, etc. of you i-Package. If you selectthe menu item, a special tab view opens in the i-Package window. Thereyou find a mail button to send it to me.

i-Installeror i-Package Foo does notwork on 10.2 and older!

Correct. Mac OS X 10.2and older versions are notsupported. Mac OS X 10.1 and older are not supported at all and noi-Installer version will run on them. For Mac OS X 10.2 you candownload avolume of 357MB which contains a snapshot of andall my i-Packages from Jan 24, 2006. All of these should install andwork on Mac OS X 10.2. However, there have been so few users actuallyrunning 10.2 lately that this is not guaranteed.

Does i-Installer support authenticatingproxies?

Sadly, No. The problem ismainly that the stuff in Cocoa I haveused did not support this in the past. Only later versions of Cocoahave support for this and enabling this would require a completerewrite of the download object (and dropping support for Mac OS X10.2). This might happen, but not soon, and the main problem for mewould be that I would be unable to test it (as I am not behind such aproxy myself).

What you can do instead isto download the package entirelythrough other means (like wget) and then use it from disk with networkaccess for i-installer turned off.

The check of the remote package md5checksumfailed

A possible reason is thatthere is a cache between you and whereyour are downloading from and this cache is misbehaving. It is offeringyou an old version of the checksum or the table of contents even ifthere is a new version available *and* it is instructed by i-Installerto ignore caching (check your preferene setting on this).

An other possible reason isthat you have been trying to updatewhile the package was being updated. There is a protection against thisin i-Installer, but this is not 100% proof as it would lead tounacceptable response times. If this is reproducable (i.e. it happenswhen you hit update again say one hour later) this update problem isnot the cause.

It is as far as I knowimpossible for there to be another cause.i-Installer downloads the new table of contents and saves this(reporting download or write errors along the way). Then it checks thenew table of contents (which has been downloaded) against the remotemd5 checksum.

How do I check theup-to-dateness ofi-Packages without running i-Installer?

i-Installer has a preferencefor this. You can tell it to checkall i-Packages in the default save directory on a regular basis. Youwill get mail when one of them have been updated. See i-Installer helpfor details.

If you want to create abackground check for packages in otherlocations, or just a few of the packages in your default save location,you need some unix knowledge. i-Installer writes its setting for thisfeature in the cronsystem. If you know how to edit this, youcan easily copy and adapt the example that i-Installer writes thereitself.

How do I minimize webtraffic?

i-Installer itself minimizesweb traffic by only downloading whatis necessary for the action you want to perform (i.e. for removal, onlythe removal script is downloaded, not the archive itself). Read thehelp on inspection of archives to find out how inspection web trafficis minimized.

However, there is one thingyou can do yourself. Suppose you havea package installed and an update has become available. You want toknow if it is necessary to update and what will be downloaded, beforeactually doing the download, which you may want to do at another time.Here is how you go about it:

  • Update the package (in theproperties tab, click the updatebutton). Note: this will remove any parts of the local package thathave changed. So if your package is complete (fattened), back it upfirst en restore it if you decide you want to go back to the oldsituation. The message view will tell you which files have changed andhave therefore been removed locally.
  • Now, in the inspect tab,you can see which files are available.Suppose the archive (normally the biggest part) has been removedbecause it has changed. Inspect the README (which should have beenchanged as well). The README should tell you (if the package maintaineris doing his work properly) what has changed and you can decide if youwant the update or not. If you do not, you may restore the backup toget your old situation back.

I do not have a (fast)internet connection. What should I do?

Note: This procedure isvery wasteful. You will be downloading everything in an i-Package, farmore than you need. Also, this only works for my repository which isavailable via ftp.
Go to a machine thathas a fast internet connection. Any machine will do, but the followinginstructions are based on a unix machine using the ncftpcommand. If you go to a Windows machine, do the equivalent, but then inWindows (and I do not know how).
  1. Change directory to whereyou want the i-Packages. E.g. cd~/Desktop
  2. Get the i-Packages (approximately 300MB!):
  1. Get i-Installer:
  1. Copy the i-packages directory and II2.dmg to an USB stick or aCD and bring it to your Mac.
  2. On your Mac, open II2.dmg and install the .pkg onthat volume.
  3. Log out and log in (to get .ii2 and .iid recognized by thesystem, this might not be needed on recent versions of the OS)
  4. Double click /i-packages/iid/gwrelative.iid
  5. Open and install the i-Packages you require
Ignore all i-Installer warnings you get about not being able to findstuff on the internet. Best is to start i-Installer, and set networkpreferences to no network traffic at all.

Why is button Xdisabled?

When i-Installer isperforming a set of activities, most buttonsare disabled. This is because the implementation of a combination ofparallel activities is incomplete. When you download the archivebecause you want to install, hitting Inspect for that archive wouldstart the same download and check set. These two sets would currentlyinterfere.

Secondly, a package may be'locked' (you see the small lockbutton on the package window). This is a protection againstaccidentally modifying a package hat is in 'useful' state. i-Installerwill not modify the locked package (e.g. updating, fattening, etc). Forinstance, I ship a TeX volume with on it the latest i-Installer programand two i-Packages (TeX and ghostscript). Ghostscript is complete(fat). TeX is complete for a standard installation. Both are locked.They cannot be changed because they are on a read-only volume. Butlocking them also prevents i-Installer from actually trying. If youwant to change such a package (e.g. update it), the best thing to do isfirst copy it to the defaultsave directory of i-Installer,open it and unlock it.

Thirdly, i-Packages may be retired and these only supportuninstalling.

After installing package Foo,theownerhip of files and directories has changed!

This means that the packageprovider has included existingdirectories in the gnutar archive and gnutar creates these with theownership in the archive, even if they already exist with anotherowner. The package provider can solve this problem by not providingdirectories, only the files in the directories. In that casedirectories are created when unavailable but not recreated or changedownership when already available.

Install this extension or view additional downloads


IIS URL Rewrite 2.1 enables Web administrators to create powerful rules to implement URLs that are easier for users to remember and easier for search engines to find. By using rule templates, rewrite maps, .NET providers, and other functionality integrated into IIS Manager, Web administrators can easily set up rules to define URL rewriting behavior based on HTTP headers, HTTP response or request headers, IIS server variables, and even complex programmatic rules. In addition, Web administrators can perform redirects, send custom responses, or stop HTTP requests based on the logic expressed in the rewrite rules.

Define powerful rules to transform complex URLs into simple and consistent Web addresses

Ii Installer Net Download

URL Rewrite allows Web administrators to easily build powerful rules using rewrite providers written in .NET, regular expression pattern matching, and wildcard mapping to examine information in both URLs and other HTTP headers and IIS server variables. Rules can be written to generate URLs that can be easier for users to remember, simple for search engines to index, and allow URLs to follow a consistent and canonical host name format. URL Rewrite further simplifies the rule creation process with support for content rewriting, rule templates, rewrite maps, rule validation, and import of existing mod_rewrite rules.

Easily replace Web application URLs to produce user and search engine friendly results

URL Rewrite permits Web administrators to easily replace the URLs generated by a Web application in the response HTML with a more user friendly and search engine friendly equivalent. Links can be modified in the HTML markup generated by a Web application behind a reverse proxy. URL Rewrite makes things easier for outbound response content and headers rewriting with outbound rewrite rules that work with HTTP request and response headers and with IIS server variables.

Seamless integration with existing IIS features that improve management, performance, and troubleshooting

URL Rewrite is tightly integrated with IIS Manager for better management. In addition, URL Rewrite supports both user-mode and kernel-mode caching for faster performance. URL Rewrite also supports Failed Request Tracing for enhanced troubleshooting of application logic execution.


  • Rules-based URL rewriting engine
  • Rules-based response rewriting engine
  • Support for custom .NET rewrite providers
  • Regular expression pattern matching
  • Wildcard pattern matching
  • Global and distributed rewrite rules
  • Rewriting within the content of specific HTML tags
  • Pre-conditions for outbound rules
  • Access to server variables and HTTP headers
  • Rewriting of server variables and HTTP request headers
  • Rewriting of HTTP response headers
  • Allow list for server variables
  • HtmlEncode function
  • Built-in rule templates
  • Reverse proxy rule template
  • Rule templates for Search Engine Optimization
  • Various rule actions including redirect and request abort
  • Tracking capture groups across rule conditions
  • Logging of rewritten URLs
  • Updated user interface in IIS Manager
  • Integrated user interface for managing rewrite rules and rewrite maps
  • Integrated user interface for importing of Apache mod_rewrite rules
  • Integrated user interface for testing regular expression and wildcard patterns
  • Support for IIS kernel-mode and user-mode output caching
  • Lowercase conversion function
  • Rewrite maps to generate the substitution URL during rewriting
  • Failed Request Tracing support


Download URL Rewrite Module 2.1

  • English: Web Platform Installer (WebPI) / x86 installer / x64 installer
  • German: x86 installer / x64 installer
  • Spanish: x86 installer / x64 installer
  • French: x86 installer / x64 installer
  • Italian: x86 installer / x64 installer
  • Japanese: x86 installer / x64 installer
  • Korean: x86 installer / x64 installer
  • Russian: x86 installer / x64 installer
  • Chinese Simplified: x86 installer / x64 installer
  • Chinese Traditional: x86 installer / x64 installer

Download Extensibility Samples


The extensibility samples provide .NET assemblies and the source code with full implementation of rewrite providers for the three most common use cases: storing of the rewrite or redirect mappings in a SQL database; storing of the rewrite or redirect mappings in a text file; storing of the lookup substrings in a text file.

Ii Installer Network

Download Samples

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